American Television Corporation

The American Television Corporation was an early maker of television equipment prior to WW-II, though certainly not a major player in that field.  They advertised several models of home television receivers in 1939, though it is not clear whether any of these sets ever reached the market.  If any were made, it is unlikely that any have survived.

ATC was located in New York, NY. 

One of their projects was the design of a prototype studio television camera.  The pictures shown here were probably taken in 1940.  The show the camera and the support equipment needed to operate it.

Sadly, all that remains of this effort are the pictures.

More pictures:

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ATC Television Receivers


American Television Corporation Camera (1942)

These pictures were acquired from the estate of one of their engineers, Joseph Brustman.  Upon graduation from the Technical University of Vienna in 1938, he came to the US  (no doubt to escape the Nazis) and was employed by ATC until January, 1941.  He then moved to Remington-Rand in Connecticut, probably after the demise of ATC.  There he held a number of engineering and management positions until 1952.  He then moved on to RCA-Victor where he managed the design group that was responsible for the RCA model 401 digital computer.  At Remington-Rand, he was involved with the design of several image orthicon cameras, which are documented on the Early Television Foundation web site, with more of his pictures and information from other sources.

Joseph Brustman
